We have a Live Demo account. To use it follow these instructions: 

1. Go to Green.Money and click on LOGIN in the upper right corner.

2. Enter Username: demo           then click Next.

3. Enter Password: demodemo   then enter the code on the screen and click Login. 

Feel free to toy around with the entire system. If you need assistance using the demo account:

1. Go to SUPPORT on the menu bar.


There are multiple instruction manuals that can be downloaded. There are also several forms you can use for accepting checks, as well as API Instructions and more. 

***This demo account WILL NOT process checks entered to your bank or any other financial institution. It will not process any billpay checks entered. It WILL NOT provide an e-verify or live-verify on any checks you enter. For these services and more you must apply and be approved for a merchant account. This is a demo account for demonstration purposes only.